On Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:17:17 +0200, Arun Ranganathan <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
On 8/14/11 5:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Why does the slice() method use [TreatUndefinedAs=EmptyString]? Can it not just use the normal default handling? Also, if you do indeed want to use that saying "If the contentType parameter is undefined, let relativeContentType be set to the empty string." in the text is redundant and ought to be removed.

Default handling doesn't treat undefined as the empty string AFAICT.

Indeed. Why is the default handling not acceptable? TreatUndefinedAs seems more for legacy APIs, not new ones.

The redundancy is instructive.

Redundancy with the IDL is avoided in all specifications I know of. I think it should be here too.

The slice() method definition does not state what happens when the contentType parameter is neither the empty string nor a valid media type.

I'm not sure we need to mention this. Developers can do things with this argument that could cause their Blob objects to be handled weirdly by downstream APIs (e.g. "foo-baz/bas"). I'm really not sure what exactly we can say here; I can put in a warning or note.

You need to say what user agents have to do when developers set it to "trala la" or some such. "foo/bar" is still a valid media type, "foo=bar" is not.

The definition of the slice() method is also very confusing with several MUST statements. I think it would be better if it were defined as a single algorithm in line with how we normally define methods.

It's defined as a single algorithm:


and cribs from ECMAScript's definition of slice. It's the only host object with a slice.

It still looks like several independent algorithms to me. There should be one that includes processing of the arguments.

Anne van Kesteren

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