On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Kenneth Russell <k...@google.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
>> On Fri, 24 Jun 2011, Kenneth Russell wrote:
>>> Slightly larger issue. In the typed array spec, views like Float32Array
>>> refer to an ArrayBuffer instance. It's desired to be able to transfer
>>> multiple views of the same ArrayBuffer in the same postMessage call.
>>> Currently, because each Transferable is transferred independently,
>>> transferring the first view will cause the view and underlying
>>> ArrayBuffer to be neutered, so upon encountering the second view, an
>>> exception will be thrown since its ArrayBuffer was already transferred.
>> The views shouldn't be Transferable. Only the buffer should be. The views
>> should continue to have the behaviour you had described before, where they
>> recurse to clone their buffer then just clone the view. Since the buffers
>> would already be transferred (the transfering happens before the cloning),
>> it'll all just work.
> Thanks, I think I see how this is supposed to work now. I'll rewrite
> the relevant sections of the typed array spec soon and ping you or
> post again if it looks like there are any other issues.

I apologize for how long this took, but the editor's draft of the
typed array spec has finally been updated with these changes. I found
it a little difficult to specify the desired behavior; please let me
know if you see a better or simpler way.



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