Arthur Barstow wrote:
[ + DAPI Chairs and Team Contact ]

Hi Ian, All - for now, I think it is OK to use public-webapps for
*technical* discussions regarding James' proposal.

Let's plan to continue the charter-related part of this discussion
during WebApp's TPAC meeting. I added it to the Monday October 31
13:00-15:00 time slot:

(FYI, Robin added a "Merge DAP into WebApps, proposed by Robin Berjon"
topic ins this same time slot.)

Robin is proposing an interesting idea.

Perhaps we could form a sub-group in WebApps to work on Device related features. Exactly what device-related features get picked up would be at the discretion of those involved. The options at this point are a.) None b.) some or c.) all of the deliverables of DAP transferring over to a group that has more comprehensive IP exclusion coverage.

It would be a lot easier if everyone joined the DAP WG instead but I feel we're going nowhere with that approach.

- Rich

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