On 2011-10-07 13:55, Arthur Barstow wrote:
Hi Julian, All - I changed the subject to reflect the general
process-related issue here. I will respond separately to the WebSocket
specifics ...

WebApps has always used the Edit First, Review Second process, as
documented in our [WorkMode] document.

Overall, I think the process has worked reasonably well, yet it can
create some challenges, especially as a spec enters the later maturity
levels i.e. LC and later.

For specs in LC or later, I think the Editor(s) should feel free to make
minor changes e.g. editorial changes and bug fixes that would not
invalidate an implementation, without any explicit notification to the
group. However, for major changes e.g. a new feature or a bug fix that
would affect an implementation, I think it is reasonable to expect the
Editor(s) to make some type of explicit notification and that could be
done via an e-mail, bug report, new issue (e.g. Tracker), etc.

OK, so it would be helpful to understand whether the change I noticed (adding a section about ws-specific URL parsing that was removed from the protocol spec) is considered editorial or a bug fix.

As far as I recall, we agreed in the IETF WG that parsing of web socket URIs should work exactly the same way as for any other URI scheme. It appears that the API spec now tries to override this, and this looks problematic to me.

Best regards, Julian

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