On 19/10/11 10:58 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Sean Hogan<shogu...@westnet.com.au>  wrote:
On 19/10/11 7:20 AM, Yehuda Katz wrote:
I agree entirely.

I have asked a number of practitioner friends about this scenario:

<div id="parent">
<p id="child"><span id="inline">Content</span></p>

  document.getElementById("child").querySelectorAll("div span"); // returns

In 100% of cases, people consider this behavior *broken*. Not just
"interesting, I wouldn't have expected that", but "who came up with that!?".
In all cases involving JavaScript practitioners, people expect
querySelectorAll to operate on the element as though the element was the
root of a new document, and where combinators are relative to the element.

It matches the definition of CSS selectors, so I don't think it can be
called broken. For this case, node.querySelectorAll("div span") finds all
span's (in document order) which are contained within the invoking node and
checks that they match the selector expression, in this case simply checking
they are a descendant of a div.

The new definition being promoted is:
- start at the containing node
- find all descendant div's
- for every div, find all descendant span's.
- with the list of span's, remove duplicates and place in document-order

Once you understand the proper definition it is hard to see this new
definition as more logical.
To me, the problem here is some (not all) Javascript practitioners not
learning the proper definition of CSS selectors.
Not at all.  I'm not sure why you think this is somehow an "improper"
way to think about things.

There are two ways you can "scope" a selector.  The first is to filter
the results of a selector match to only those under a certain element
(what QSA does today).  The second is to scope the entire selector to
only apply underneath the scoping element, which is what Alex is

An alternative view of this is that current QSA restricts the final
compound selector in a selector to match only elements in the scope,
while allowing the rest of the selector to match elements anywhere in
the document.  Alex's proposal (and every other JS selector engine)
restricts all of the selector component to matching only elements in
the scope.

There is nothing unnatural or improper about this.  The fact that
every JS selector engine works in the latter fashion, and that JS devs
are regularly surprised by the former behavior, suggests strongly that
the latter behavior is the better default behavior.

Based on discussion on the mailing list,<style scoped>  will be
changing to the latter behavior as well, with the ability to invoke
the former behavior in the rare circumstances when you explicitly want

If it becomes part of the standard definition of CSS selectors then it can be supported by a query method. At that point the only discussion is for the name.

However, in reading that thread I don't see any mention of selectors such as "> div > span". Did I miss something?


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