Overall, I wholeheartedly support the proposal.

I don't really see the benefit of allowing starting with a combinator. I
think it's a rare case that you actually care about the scope element and in
those cases, using :scope is fine. Instead of element.findAll("> div >
.thinger"), you use element.findAll(":scope > div > .thinger"). That said, I
don't object to considering the :scope implied if the selector starts with a

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 10/18/11 7:38 PM, Alex Russell wrote:
>> The resolution I think is most natural is to split on ","
> That fails with :any, with the expanded :not syntax, on attr selectors,
> etc.
> You can split on ',' while observing proper paren and quote nesting, but
> that can get pretty complicated.

Can we define it as a sequence of selectors and be done with it? That way it
can be defined as using the same parsing as CSS.

> A minor point is how to order the
>> items in the returned flattened list are ordered (document order? the
>> natural result of concat()?).
> Document order.


> -Boris

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