On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Eric U <er...@google.com> wrote:
> The only things that this lacks that BlobBuilder has are the endings
> parameter for '\n' conversion in text and the content type.  The
> varargs constructor makes it awkward to pass in flags of any
> sort...any thoughts on how to do that cleanly?

Easy.  The destructuring stuff proposed for ES lets you easily say things like:

function(blobparts..., keywordargs) {
  // blobparts is an array of all but the last arg
  // keywordargs is the last arg

or even:

function(blobparts..., {contenttype, lineendings}) {
  // blobparts is an array of all but the last arg
  // contenttype and lineendings are pulled from the
  // last arg, if it's an object with those properties


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