On 24/11/11 7:46 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
On 2011-11-23 23:38, Sean Hogan wrote:
Are there any issues with:

- If you want to use selectors with explicit :scope then you use
querySelector / querySelectorAll / matchesSelector.

- If you want to use selectors with :scope implied at the start of each
selector in the selector list (as most js libs currently do) then you
use find / findAll / matches.

The matches method will not change behaviour depending on whether or not there is an explicit :scope because it is always evaluated in the context of the entire tree. There is never an implied :scope inserted into the selector, so there will not be two alternative matches methods.

A matching method that doesn't imply :scope should be called matchesSelector().

If and when there is a need for a matching method that does imply :scope (which I provided a use-case for in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011OctDec/0342.html) then it could be called matches().

I should be able to define querySelectorAll() in terms of matchesSelector(),
and findAll() in terms of matches().


function querySelectorAll(selector) {
    var refNode = this;
    return [].filter.call(refNode.getElementsByTagName("*"),
        function(elt) { return elt.matchesSelector(selector, refNode); });

function findAll(selector) {
    var refNode = this, list = [];
    for (var node=refNode; node; node=node.nextSibling) {
        if (node.nodeType != 1) continue;
if (node != refNode && node.matches(selector, refNode)) list.push(node);
        [].push.apply(list, [].filter.call(node.getElementsByTagName("*"),
            function(elt) { return elt.matches(selector, refNode); });
    return list;

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