It is not possible to have only one XHR document. There is already a
published CR for XHR1, which will always remain at [1].


The question is what to do with that branch. Moving [1] to a WG Note would
help resolve confusion about the status of that branch, not create more
confusion. The summary section of the note could clearly explain the status
of that work, and how it is to be superseded by the new XHR2 work.

I support publishing the note.


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> On Thursday, 1 December 2011 at 19:25, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> > Adrian proposed the old XHR(1) spec be published as a WG Note (to
> > clearly state work on that spec has stopped) and this is a Call for
> > Consensus to do so.
> I object to doing so. It will just cause more confusion. Please lets only
> have one XHR document (and not an additional Note). If everyone just sticks
> to the story (which is very logical), then there should be no need for
> confusion: it's not that hard to explain and it's the merger is in
> everyone's best interest.

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