>> The spec for resource sharing never discusses a status code for a
>> failed. It just says, 'terminate'.
>> To me, this suggests that, if there is no other OPTIONS processing
>> going on, the net result will be a NOT FOUND.
>> For that matter, it occurs to me, even if the entire preflight is a
>> success, the status code will still be not found, won't it, if there
>> is no other OPTIONS handler for the resource?
>> Am I misinterpreting?
> There is no status code.
> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/cors/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#cross-origin-request-status
> is set to "network error" which is on the granularity of failed to connect,
> unknown domain, etc.

That's on the client side, isn't it?. I'm worried about the resource
side. On the resource side, what HTTP status code should be coming
back from server to client for a preflight when the server has no
other OPTIONS to return. 200? or 40x?

> --
> Anne van Kesteren
> http://annevankesteren.nl/

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