On 12/12/11 6:07 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
2. These new methods for Element may be split out to a separate
interface that omits the refElements and and refNodes parameters.

Yes, please. There's no point having the same interface if the behavior is totally different based on the |this| object as described. In my opinion.

Open Issue: Should this change affect Element.querySelector() too, or
leave it as currently specified?

One option is to simply not do any special scope stuff in querySelector, if we suddenly have no use cases for it.

Given a selector list as input to the method, trim whitespace and then
for each complex selector, run the first step that applies:

(Note: if the selector list is "", then there are 0 complex selectors in
the list and the following doesn't run)

| 1. Otherwise, if the complex selector begins with any combinator

This needs to be defined better. "complex selector" can't begin with a combinator, per its definition.

I think we all sort of maybe understand how this should work, but there still needs to be a clear normative definition of the parsing. Then we can check whether your maybe-understanding was actually shared, for one thing.


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