On 19/12/11 16:55 , Glenn Adams wrote:
...However, the W3C has historically not defined compliance test specifications or perform compliance testing of either content, servers, or clients...
JCD: To name just the specs I know because I participated in writing them:
- SVGT 1.2 appendix D: conformance criteria
- CDF WICD 1.0 appendix C: conformance

Then, two randomly selected RECs:
- XML1.1 section 5 Conformance
- XML Schema 2001 section 2.4 Conformance

Or do you mean "historically" as "in the early 90s" ?

I believe you are confusing "certification" which W3C never tried AFAIK, with "conformance" which is in all currently developed specs I have looked at.
Best regards

JC Dufourd
Directeur d'Etudes/Professor
Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group
Traitement du Signal et Images/Signal and Image Processing
Telecom ParisTech, 37-39 rue Dareau, 75014 Paris, France
Tel: +33145817733 - Mob: +33677843843 - Fax: +33145817144

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