Kusuke Ebihara (Ikousuke at co3k.org ) has discovered an interesting security 
bug with XHR.


Basically, for CGI programs, characters that are valid in HTTP headers but not 
in Unix shell environment variables are commonly all coerced to "_".  This 
allows bypass of the security restrictions in 
http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#the-setrequestheader-method, section 5.  
If an application sets, e.g. a header of "User_Agent" (or in some cases 
"User.Agent", "User*Agent", etc...), that is indistinguishable when delivered 
to a CGI application from the forbidden "User-Agent". 

As this behavior is at least partially formally documented in  
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3875#section-4.1.18 , and very widely 
implemented, the algorithm for XHR should be updated to at least consider "_", 
and possibly all non-alphanumeric characters, as equivalent to "-" for purposes 
of comparison to the blacklisted header set.

Brad Hill
Sr. MTS, Internet Standards and Governance
PayPal Information Risk Management
cell: 206.245.7844 / skype: hillbrad
email: bh...@paypal-inc.com

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