That is correct, the essential value in notification bearer flexibility is
resource conservation and contextual adaptability (eg bearer selection when
conditions warrant a change or limit choices).

On Wednesday, January 4, 2012, Charles Pritchard <> wrote:
> a) Don't drain the battery.
> b) Don't waste bandwidth.
> c) Don't use the more expensive connection when a less expensive
connection is also available.
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Glenn Adams <> wrote:
> what are the qualitative differences (if any) between these three use
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 5:51 PM, Bryan Sullivan <> wrote:
>> I had an action item to provide some use cases for the Webapps
>> recharter process, related to the "Push based on extending server-sent
>> events" topic at the last F2F (draft API proposal that was presented:
>> The intent of the action item was to establish a basis for a Webapps
>> charter item related to extending eventsource (or coming up with a new
>> API) for the ability to deliver arbitrary notifications/data to
>> webapps via connectionless bearers, as informationally described in
>> Server-Sent Events (
>> Here are three use cases:
>> 1)      One of Bob’s most-used apps is a social networking webapp which
>> enables him to remain near-realtime connected to his friends and
>> colleagues. During his busy social hours, when he’s out clubbing, his
>> phone stays pretty much connected full time, with a constant stream of
>> friend updates. He likes to remain just as connected though during
>> less-busy times, for example during the workday as friends post their
>> lunch plans or other updates randomly. While he wants his favorite app
>> to remain ready to alert him, he doesn’t want the app to drain his
>> battery just to remain connected during low-update periods.
>> 2)      Alice is a collector, and is continually watching or bidding in
>> various online auctions. When auctions are about to close, she knows
>> the activity can be fast and furious and is usually watching her
>> auction webapp closely. But in the long slow hours between auction
>> closings, she still likes for her webapp to alert her about bids and
>> other auction updates as they happen, without delay. She needs for her
>> auction webapp to enable her to continually watch multiple auctions
>> without fear that its data usage during the slow periods will
>> adversely impact her profits.
>> 3)      Bob uses a web based real-time communications service and he
>> to be available to his friends and family even when his application is
>> not running. Bob travels frequently and it is critical for him to
>> optimize data usage and preserve battery. Bob’s friends can call him
>> up to chat using video/audio or just text and he wants to make sure
>> they can reach him irrespective of what device and what network he is
>> connected at any given time.
>> Comments/questions?
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Bryan Sullivan

Bryan Sullivan

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