On Fri, 20 Jan 2012 18:37:35 +0100, Glen Shires <gshi...@google.com> wrote:

Some of the reasons we believe that the JavaScript Speech API is best
suited for WebApps, instead of it's own working group, include:

1. Speech is likely to become a core API, like other WebApps deliverables
such as File API. It is important that it be compatible and consistent
with, and interact well with other JavaScript API components.


2. WebApps provides a balanced web-centric view for new JavaScript APIs.
The XG group consisted of a large number of speech experts, but only a few with broad web API expertise. We believe the formation of a new WG
would have a similar imbalance,

I'm not sure this is necessarily the case, and the reverse possibility, that the Web Apps group would not have enough speech experts should also be considered a potential risk.

whereas the WebApps WG can provide valuable, balanced guidance and

(FWIW I don't have a strong opinion on whether this is likely to be a real problem as opposed to a risk, and I think this conversation helps us work that out).

3. The scope of this effort is well-defined and bounded. All that have
responded to this CfC have agreed that JavaScript API portions of the XG
Final Report are relevant to WebApps, and that the wire protocol portions
of the XG Final Report are not relevant to WebApps (and should be pursued
in another group, such as IETF).

I think that's a fair summary

 The differing opinions seem only about the specific starting point of
this effort, whether to base it on the full JavaScript API in the XG's
Final Report [1] or a subset of that JavaScript API, which supports the
majority of use cases, as proposed by Google [2].

Or a subset that supports a majority of use cases as currently proposed by
Debbie, developed by whittling down from [1] based on what implementors are
prepared to do.

For this first recommendation-track document, we believe a subset will
accelerate implementation, interoperability testing, standardization and
ultimately developer adoption. However, in the spirit of consensus, we are willing to broaden this subset to include additional API features in
the XG Final Report.

That makes sense. We do think that it is important to be working on stuff that gets implemented, as a good guide to what ends up in a recommendation and what's in the list for an expanded version. One point of the WG process is that we can have more than one input document, and we develop consensus as we go on what gets deployed and is therefore ripe for further formal standardisation, and what is still waiting...



[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/htmlspeech/XGR-htmlspeech/

Bjorn Bringert
Satish Sampath
Glen Shires

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 3:58 AM, Arthur Barstow <art.bars...@nokia.com>wrote:

The deadline for comments is extended to January *24*.

On 1/20/12 6:55 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:

The deadline for comments is extended to January.

Andrian, Maciej - I would appreciate it you would please provide some
feedback on this CfC.

On 1/12/12 7:31 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:

Glen Shires and some others at Google proposed [1] that WebApps add
Speech API to WebApps' charter and they put forward the Speech Javascript API Specification [2] as as a starting point. Members of Mozilla and Nuance have voiced various levels of support for this proposal. As such, this is a
Call for Consensus to add Speech API to WebApps' charter.

Positive response to this CfC is preferred and encouraged and silence
will be considered as agreeing with the proposal. The deadline for comments
is January 19 and all comments should be sent to public-webapps at


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/**Public/public-webapps/**
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/**Public/public-webapps/**

Charles 'chaals' McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
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