Ms2ger <> skreiv Thu, 09 Feb 2012 13:26:39 +0100

<>, a reference to DOM *2* Events is made; it should be updated.

Well, I guess it should.

On the other hand..what should it be updated to?

AFAIK DOM3 Events is still a working draft (though a very mature one), and there *seems* to be/have been a bit of political bickering between DOM3 Events and a new spec called DOM Core or DOM4 which is also a working draft and one I haven't read closely enough to make any statement about maturity. AFAIK it makes no technical difference whether this spec references DOM2, DOM3 or DOM4 in this context. So, *if I don't want to be involved in politics*, can't I just reference the published DOM2 Events and be done with it? :-p

Also, the initClipboardEvent method should be removed in favour of a constructor, as described at <>.

Done in response to Anne's feedback.

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core tester, Opera Software

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