Hi Arun,

I've read the File API specification, and have a number of comments:

== 1. Introduction ==

"Binary Large Object" -- a name originally introduced to web APIs in Google 

should use an en dash (—, U+2013) instead of two hyphens.

This paragraph is inconsistent about linking File and Blob to their definitions.

The example has

>  if(evt.target.error.name == "NOT_READABLE_ERR") {

which probably should be "NotReadableError".

== 2. Conformance ==

I think it's surprising that notes are normative, unlike (AFAICT) most other Web API specifications.

== 4. Terminology and Algorithms ==

The >= and <= operators don't seem to be used in the specification.

== 6. The Blob Interface ==

The constructor can use the new WebIDL unions types, as

> Constructor((ArrayBuffer or Blob or DOMString)[] blobParts,
>             optional BlobPropertyBag options)

=== 6.1. Constructors ===

The reference to ES5 doesn't seem necessary.

=== 6.2. Attributes ===

On getting, conforming user agents SHOULD return the MIME type of the Blob, if 
it is known.

Should be MUST, as we already have "if it is known".

=== 6.3. Methods and Parameters ===

The contentType normalization should not special-case undefined; if an author passes undefined, it should be treated as "undefined" per WebIDL.

== 7. The File Interface ==

Something's weird with the indentation in the IDL block here.

readonly attribute Date lastModifiedDate;

should be "Date?", as it can return null.

== 8. The FileReader Interface ==
=== 8.1. The FileReader Task Source ===

The FileReader interface enables asynchronous reads on individual
Blob objects by firing progress events as the read occurs to event
handler methods on the FileReader, which is an EventTarget

This seems to suggest that one can only use the event handler methods (attributes?), but not add/removeEventListener. Maybe just remove to "event handler methods".

=== 8.5. Reading a File or Blob ===

The result attribute should probably be declared as

| readonly attribute (DOMString or ArrayBuffer)? result;

==== 8.5.7. Blob Parameters ====

I have no idea what this section is actually supposed to define.

===== Event Summary =====

> … the table below is normative for the events in this specification.

The table should not be normative; the events are already fired in the respective algorithms.

===== Summary of Event Invariants =====

> The following are normative invariants …

What are "normative invariants"? This seems to be a list of statements of fact [1], and as such should be informative.

== 10. Errors and Exceptions ==
=== 10.1. Throwing an Exception or Returning an Error ===

Synchronous read methods throw exceptions of the type in the table
below if there has been an error with reading or .


The EncodingError cell seems to confusingly use "encoding" for a concept related to the length of a data URL and character encodings; I don't see how these concepts are related.

== 11. A URI for Blob and File reference ==
=== 11.1. Requirements for a New Scheme ===

This section uses |img| and <img> inconsistently, it should use the former.

=== 11.2. Discussion of Existing Schemes ===

Choosing a name that clarifies the primary use case -- namely, access
to memory-resident Blob resources -- is a worthwhile compromise, and
favors clarity, familiarity, and consistency across the web platform.

En dashes again.

=== 11.3. Definition of blob URI Scheme ===

Opaque strings MUST NOT include any reserved characters from
[RFC3986] without percent-encoding them; these characters MUST be

Redundant requirements.

=== 11.6. Lifetime of Blob URIs ===

Should reference the oneTimeOnly argument here.

=== 11.8. Creating and Revoking a Blob URI ===

// Window implements URL;
// WorkerUtils implements URL;

Those statements are out of place, and don't mean what they seem to. Instead, they would require createObjectURL and revokeObjectURL to exist on the Window and WorkerUtils interfaces.

=== 11.9. Examples of Blob URI Creation and Revocation ===

Blob URIs are strings that dereference Blob objects, and can persist
for as long as the document from which they were minted using
URL.createObjectURL() -- see _Lifetime of Blob URIs_.

En dash, and the "Lifetime of Blob URIs" link is broken.

> In the example below, two Image elements

Should say "|img| elements" for consistency.

== 16. References ==

Aryeh Gregor is now also editing DOM Core, which has been renamed to DOM4.

The URL specification is now at <http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/url/raw-file/tip/Overview.html>.

The "Stream API" reference has a broken link.


[1] http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1140242962&count=1

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