On 4/11/2012 2:41 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Boris Zbarsky<bzbar...@mit.edu>  wrote:
>  Seems like right now passing a typed array to send() requires a bit of extra
>  hoop-jumping to pass the .buffer instead, right?  Is that desirable?
It may be convenient to add an overload to send() (presumably on both
XHR and WebSocket? Any others?) accepting ArrayBufferView. As pointed

It's convenient.

xhr.send(view); // shorthand
xhr.send(view.buffer.slice(view.byteOffset, view.byteOffset+view.byteLength)); // longhand.


Can we get a voice from MS? They've been supporting typed arrays in IE10 for awhile.
If we're going to have this method, I'd really like to see it in IE10.

Boris, How do we feature test for support of the shorthand method?


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