Hi Glenn,

On 22/04/12 12:11, Glenn Maynard wrote:
On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Ivan Enderlin @ Hoa <w...@hoa-project.net <mailto:w...@hoa-project.net>> wrote:

    Are they any reasons to not have the EventSource interface
    available in a WorkerGlobalScope?

    The W3C specifies that they must be no interface objects and
constructors in this scope [1],

It's available in workers.

"... except for the following:
... Constructors defined by specifications that explicitly say that they should be visible when the script's global object is a DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, a SharedWorkerGlobalScope, or an object implementing the WorkerUtils interface"

and http://dev.w3.org/html5/eventsource says:

"This constructor must be visible when the script's global object is either a Window object or an object implementing the WorkerUtils interface."

    and the MDN documentation confirms that [2]

This is just a random sample of interfaces, not an exhaustive list.
Oh thanks, I didn't see that it was mentionned in the EventSource specification. An exhaustive list would be welcome (probably in the Worker specification), what do you think?

    [3] http://w3.org/TR/eventsource/

Always click the "latest editor's draft" link at the top to get to the version that everyone is actually using. "TR" links are invariably out of date and incorrect.
Hum, damn. I thought “TR” redirected to the last version.

Thanks for your reply.

Ivan Enderlin
Developer of Hoa
http://hoa.42/ or http://hoa-project.net/

PhD. student at DISC/Femto-ST (Vesontio) and INRIA (Cassis)
http://disc.univ-fcomte.fr/ and http://www.inria.fr/

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