Hi Anne, WebApps, Bruce,

Although I agree with Anne that the primary use of public-webapps is WebApps' specs and we should keep it that way, perhaps it would be useful if we had a separate list that Web application developers can use (f.e.x public-webapps-dev) for "how to ..." type questions re our specs?

It seems like the worst case is that such a list wouldn't be used very much (which could be interpreted as a really good thing) but "who knows". Of course there would be no requirement that members of the WG subscribe to such a list.

OTOH, if there are already useful and active communities/lists for questions about how to use WebApps' specs, it would probably be better if we simply redirected how to questions to the relevant list.

Comments? Any objections to creating a WebApps Developers list?


On 4/27/12 6:39 AM, ext Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 17:46:27 +0200, Bruce Sherwood <bruce.sherw...@gmail.com> wrote:
(My apologies if this appears twice, but it looks like my original
posting got lost in the process of subscribing.)

This is a forum to discuss standards, not one for how to use them in particular environments. I suggest you try http://stackoverflow.com/

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