Brad, Eric, Thomas - during WebApps' May 1 meeting, the group agreed [1] it would be useful to have a joint meeting with WebAppSec during WebAppSec's May 2 f2f meeting re CORS.

Since CORS is on the WebAppSec's May 2 agenda from 9:45-10:15 [2], how about WebAppSec join WebApps during that time slot in WebApps meeting room (Mercury)? If this time will not work for you, please propose another time on May 2 that will work for you.

-Thanks, Art


On 4/25/12 6:04 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
Anne, Brad, All - does it appear it would be useful for WebApps and WebAppSec to schedule some joint meeting time on May 2 re CORS (the LC deadline is May 1 <>)?

Currently, WebApps' agenda for that day is mostly wide open <>.

CORS bugz includes a few bugs <>

WebApps' CORS test repo is <> and WebAppSec's CORS test repo is <>. Perhaps it would make sense to consolidate these testing efforts?

-Thanks, AB

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