I think we've got request animation frame for the invisible content scenario.

For the height/width/resolution, CSS selectors and SVG are probably the easier 

Canvas however, that's not so easy.


On May 8, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Gregg Tavares (勤) <g...@google.com> wrote:

> Imagine you want to make a Web Component that draws a graph
> Imagine that you'd like the graph to show more data if it's larger and less 
> if it's smaller. In other words, you don't want it to scale the data.
> Imagine you set that component's size to width: 100%; height: 100% to scale 
> to its container
> Question: How does the Web Component know when to repaint its content?
> AFAICT the resize event only fires on window. If the point of Web Components 
> is to allow people to make self contained components it seems like there 
> might be the need for some way of letting the component know it needs to 
> repaint.
> Resize is just one example. 
> Imagine a relatively heavy to repaint WebComponent like one that draws an 
> representation of an audio wave. If that component is hidden behind some 
> other component it would be nice if it didn't re-draw itself. When it becomes 
> visible thought needs  to know it should redraw itself.
> Does a 'paint' event make sense? 

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