On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@iki.fi> wrote:
> If we end up doing (flawed) list-based magic, we need to make sure the
> SVG working group is on board and henceforth avoids local name
> collisions with HTML and MathML.

Yes, we (SVGWG) is on board with this.  We won't introduce new
elements that conflict.

(Currently, SVG and HTML conflict with <style>, <script>, <a>, and
<font>.  SVG and MathML conflict in <set> and <image>.  HTML and
MathML don't conflict at all.)

> If the API required the caller to request SVG explicitly, would it be
> a sure thing that jQuery would build magic heuristics on the library
> side?

I just pinged Yehuda to check, but I'd wager that jQuery will add SVG
detection to their current context detection if SVG continues its
climb into relevance for webdevs.


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