On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@opera.com> wrote:
> A while ago sicking proposed adding chunked support to XMLHttpRequest:
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011JulSep/0741.html
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687087
> A use case I remember was downloading a large file of some kind that
> presumably can be incrementally rendered as otherwise responseType "blob"
> should be sufficient. More use cases appreciated. Would help with the
> design.
> As for the feature, basically have responseType "chunked-text" and
> "chunked-arraybuffer" values and reset rather than update the response
> entity body with each progress event. And make sure that a progress event is
> dispatched when the last fetch event is queued. And make sure that this is
> only available for asynchronous usage.
> Charles asked whether "chunked-text" was really needed (and whether we
> should have "chunked" which implies ArrayBuffer instead). Nobody got back to
> him on that. If it is needed, how does it work when you just have some of
> the bytes of a multi-byte character in a single chunk? Fails to decode as
> per the normal algorithm?
> Also, this basically makes it possible to write EventSource on top of
> XMLHttpRequest. Is that acceptable? If it encourages more people to use a
> lower-level API, higher-level optimizations for mobile phones might become
> harder down the road.

No change came out of this thread. I think we established that there
is a need for "chunked-arraybuffer". This thread contained some
controversy about whether "chunked-text" is needed, but in the end the
controversy didn't actually seem relevant to the question at hand.

Is there a reason not to add "chunked-text" and "chunked-arraybuffer"
to the spec right now?

/ Jonas

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