This seems sensible. I've updated the WebKit patch to do exactly this:

It appears that the details of the proposal are now sorted out. I'll
start a new thread describing the full API & semantics.

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 8:29 PM, Ryosuke Niwa <> wrote:
> Not that I want to start another bike-shedding, there is one clear
> distinction between innerHTML and createDocumentFragment, which is that
> innerHTML sets already-started flag on parsed script elements
> but createDocumentFragment does not (or rather it unsets it after the
> fragment parsing algorithm has ran).
> See
> There appears to be a consensus to use document.parse (which is fine with
> me), so I would like to double-check which behavior we're picking. IMO, the
> only sane choice is to unset the already-started flag since doing otherwise
> implies script elements parsed by document.parse won't be executed when
> inserted into a document.
> While we can change the behavior for template elements, I would rather have
> the same behavior between all 3 APIs (createDocumentFragment, parse, and
> template element) and let innerHTML be the outlier for legacy reasons.
> (Note: I intend to fix the bug in WebKit that already-started flag isn't
> unmarked in createDocumentFragment).
> - Ryosuke

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