
In section 5 of the Quota Management API ("Quota handling in storage
API")[1], the last sentence of the first bullet point reads:

    "For example, Application Cache may silently discard or fail to cache
data when it is hitting quota limit."

This is actually incorrect, AppCache is atomic and hitting the quota limit
would trigger a cache failure as per step 17.5 of the application cache
download process[2].

    "If the user agent is not able to store the resource (e.g. because of
quota restrictions),
    the user agent may prompt the user or try to resolve the problem in
some other manner
    (e.g. automatically pruning content in other caches). If the problem
cannot be resolved,
    the user agent must run the cache failure steps."

In turn, this would fire an error event and bust the cache.

Best to pick another example.



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