On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 6:06 AM, Kyle Huey <m...@kylehuey.com> wrote:
> By my reading, the spec does not clearly specify what the 'origin' should
> be.  IDBFactory.open/deleteDatabase say "Let origin be the origin of the
> IDBEnvironment used to access this IDBFactory."  The IDL states "Window
> implements IDBEnvironment;"  The HTML5 spec, as far as I can tell, does not
> define the concept of an origin for a window, but only for a document.

Window/Document do effectively have a 1-1 relationship (unless you
navigate) but making it more explicit would not hurt probably.

> There is another related question here: how should IndexedDB behave in the
> presence of modifications to document.domain?

Since it is talking about the origin and not the effective script
origin (and it shouldn't, as Adam indicates) it has no effect.

Anne — Opera Software

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