
What options are there for trying Web Components work?

I'm trying to follow the models set out in what is in
https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcomponents/raw-file/tip/explainer/index.html but I 
haven't gotten
anything working thus-far: my <element> and <template> tags appear to be 
silently ignored,
and their known html content executed. 

My attempt is at:

Chrome Canary reports:
22.0.1201.0 (Official Build 145644) canary
"C:\Users\rektide\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe"
--flag-switches-begin --enable-accelerated-video-decode --enable-css-regions
--enable-devtools-experiments --enable-extension-activity-ui 
--enable-shadow-dom --enable-style-scoped --flag-switches-end

Last, a question; is there any way from the 'create' or 'insert' lifecycle 
event to read the
attributes one has set on one's instance? I was rather expecting the Shadow 
Root, although,
yes, is a DocumentFragment, not something that typically exposes attributes, 
ought have some
stateful means I could use to ask.

Regardling this last problem, I did notice the following line, and haven't seen 
documentation or description of what it is or where it comes from, and it 
appears to be in
the domain, although my naive reading would make me think it is an edge 
triggered callback
rather than a queriable level inherent to the Shadow document:
this.reflectAttribute('list', 'list', Helper.prototype._settingsChanged);

Thanks. If there's some way to fiddle with Web Components, would like to be 
doing so. Good

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