On 8/3/2012 10:33 AM, Florian Bösch wrote:
On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Charles Pritchard <ch...@jumis.com <mailto:ch...@jumis.com>> wrote:

    What kind of correlated events are you thinking of?

For instance most tablet drivers deliver X/Y events separately. If you processed those individually, fast brushstrokes would become staircases. To avoid that, developers filter the queue and whenever the see an X event (which always arrives before the Y event) they wait for the Y event before correlating them to a "X+Y" event.

I was not aware of that. My experience comes mostly from the Wacom plugins which handle that work before delivering. It seems like this is something the implementer should handle; delivering the full event to the developer.


They've done some touch event work as well:

    Some of this was discussed as part of the Sensor API proposal. It
    seems that work is being shuffled into a web intents mechanism.
    I've not yet experimented with high volume/precision data over

No idea what the intents is, but usually the "intend" in processing events is implemented by the developer who processes the events, so other than his application code, no further complication is required.

We Intents is a mechanism for posting/grabbing data as well as discovery.

In intents, you might have an <iframe> which then runs the <object> attaching to Wacom's plugin. All websites would simply trigger an intent, such as asking for pen data; they would not need to worry about opening an iframe or object tag.

I've not gotten to it, but I'll get a demo posted one of these days.

Item 2 is fun stuff, but at present, only the touch API has touched on the concept of multiple pointers. This product line http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/Intuos.aspx is both a multitouch surface and pen input (although not both at the same time). http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/Intuos.aspx

I suspect however that the "not at the same time" aspect isn't a hardware or even driver limitation, but rather results from the compulsive need of applications/OSes to pretend touches and pens are core pointers, and since there can't be two pointers... If a suitable capture mode where implemented, I don't think simultaneous touches and pen strokes would present a problem (and they'd certainly be fun to use).

I agree; but our event infrastructure for the web isn't quite ready for two mouse pointers to run at the same time over a webpage.
It's something I'd like to see addressed.

    Item 1 we can do that with pointer lock.

    You do bring up a good point, if the web platform did
    concurrent/multiple pointer devices, it'd be nice if it the
    pointer lock API was aware of that situation.
    As I understand it, the new release of Windows does have mature
    support for multiple pointers. Support has been available for some
    The web platform is falling a bit behind in this area. Of course,
    they haven't caught up with pen events yet and those have been
    around for decades.
    I suspect the affine transform is something that the author ought
    to be processing from nice raw data.
    They can use something like the CSSMatrix() object or other maths
    to do transforms.

    With a complex Canvas drawing surface, I've had to do about 3
    levels of transforms anyway.

    onmightypenevent(e) {  coordsForNextStep =
    myMatrix.transform(e.arbitraryX, e.arbitraryY); };

Correct, you can leave it up to the developer and just engage pointerlock. However there's a snag with that.
- You need to have fullscreen to get pointerlock
- You might desire to get pointerlock on the drawing surface, but not engage fullscreen - You'll want to engage pointerlock for more direct interaction, yet disengage it again for interaction with interface elements in the DOM. Everytime you engage/disengage it there's dialog boxes and whatnot.

All good points.


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