> From: Lachlan Hunt [mailto:lachlan.h...@lachy.id.au]
> I'd like feedback from implementers about how best to address the issue.
>   The options I can think of:
> 1. Disallow all comments within the selector for this API. Throw SyntaxError
> when they are used.
> 2. Allow comments, but define that unclosed comments should throw a
> SyntaxError.
> 3. Allow comments, define that unclosed comments are silently ignored.

I just checked in IE10, and it looks like we actually do:

4. Allow comments, define that unclosed comments are automatically closed.

Behavior wise, this means that given the following OM:
<div id="parent">
  <div id="child"></div>

The call: document.querySelector("#parent /* #child");

Returns the parent div successfully. I'm not sure that I'm thrilled about this 
behavior, but it is what it is...

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