On Wednesday, October 3, 2012 6:50 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

>On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Joshua Bell <jsb...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 1:13 AM, Odin Hørthe Omdal <odi...@opera.com> wrote: 
>>> So, at work and with the spec in front of me :-)
>>> Odin claimed:
>>>> There is a note near the algorithm saying something to that point, 
>>>> but the definite text is up in the prose "let's explain IDB" section IIRC.
>>> Nope, this was wrong, it's actually right there in the algorithm:
>>> <http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndexedDB/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dfn-steps
>>> -for-iterating-a-cursor>
>>> # If direction is "prevunique", let temp record be the last record in 
>>> # records which satisfy all of the following requirements:
>>> #
>>> #   If key is defined, the record's key is less than or equal to key.
>>> #   If position is defined, the record's key is less than position.
>>> #   If range is defined, the record's key is in range.
>>> #
>>> # If temp record is defined, let found record be the first record in 
>>> # records whose key is equal to temp record's key
>>> So it'll find the last "foo", and then, as the last step, it'll find 
>>> the top result for "foo", giving id 1, not 3. The prevunique is the 
>>> only algo that uses that temporary record to do its search.
>>> I remember this text was somewhat different before, I think someone 
>>> clarified it at some point. At least it seems much clearer to me now 
>>> than it did the first time.
>> Since I have it the link handy - discussed/resolved at:
>> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2010OctDec/0599.htm
>> l
>>> Israel Hilerio said:
>>>> Since we're seeing this behavior in both browsers (FF and Canary) we 
>>>> wanted to validate that this is not by design.
>>> It would bet several pennies its by design, because the spec needs 
>>> more framework to explain this than it would've needed otherwise. 
>>> What that exact design was (rationale et al) I don't know, it was 
>>> before my time I guess. :-)
>> Yes, the behavior in Chrome is by design to match list consensus.
>> (FWIW, it's extra code to handle this case, and we've had bug reports 
>> where we had to point at the spec to explain that we're actually 
>> following it, but presumably this is one of those cases where someone 
>> will be confused by the results regardless of which approach was 
>> taken.)
>Yes, this was very intentional. The goal was that reverse iteration would 
>always return the same set of rows as forward iteration, just in reverse 
>order. This seemed like the most easily understandable and >explainable 
>Consider for example a UI which renders an address book grouped by first 
>letter and showing the first name in that letter. It would seem strange if the 
>user changing z-a or a-z shows different names.
>/ Jonas

Thanks everyone for the explanations.  Jonas, your last example clarified 
things for me.  We'll file a bug on our side.


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