On Nov 5, 2012, at 6:15 AM, Tobie Langel <to...@fb.com> wrote:

> It seems there would/could be value in determining precisely what a
> session is

I'm not sure we'd be interested in strictly defining what a session is in spec. 
 A "session" - while having spec ramifications - seems very much to be a 
user-level feature with a lot of flexibility in differentiation between user 

WebStorage gives a minimal definition of session lifetime that I've grown fond 
of:  "The lifetime of a top-level browsing context (which) can be unrelated to 
the lifetime of the actual user agent process itself, as the user agent may 
support resuming sessions after a restart."

I'd not be adverse to giving a more fleshed out definition of what happens to 
session-ey technologies when a session's lifetime is over but further defining 
requirements for session lifetime should be done with great care.

> And/or coming up with an API to allow application developers
> to close sessions on a per origin basis and benefit from related
> security/privacy guarantees (wiping-out session storage, cookies, etc.).

Sites can already clean up individual session-ey nuggets on a case-by-case 

I'm not sure I like the idea of giving them the nuclear option as they'll just 
start using that liberally instead of thinking things through.  This could 
cause excess i/o and/or lock contention where such semantics are defined.


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