On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
>> Components don't directly correlate with custom elements. They are
>> just documents that you can load together with your document. With
>> things like multi-threaded parser, these are useful on their own, even
>> without custom elements.
> Because they don't have an associated browsing context? What other use
> case are you describing here? That seems like a potential problem by
> the way. That subresources from such a document such as <img> will not
> load because there's no associated browsing context.

That's not the problem, that's a feature :) Think of it as a
<template> tag for documents.

The author can stash all of the markup that they don't need to render
on loading into components, and then use it when necessary as they
need it.

An easy example: suppose my webapp has multiple states/views that the
user goes through in random order. With components, I can leave the
starting view in master document, and move the rest into (multiple, if
needed) components. As I need the view, I simply grab it and move it
to the master document.


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