Siterer Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <>:
It would be nice to understand what needs to be done to get the spec to
Last Call.

I've checked in some changes. I guess we're getting there..

* Find a way to test the clipboard-content-that-embeds-other-clipboard-content scenario (do any other types of software even place such content on the clipboard?) and make sure the spec is sane. In practise, this is mainly about HTML content that embeds IMG not linking to a file:// or web URL.

Not done yet. Does anyone on this list know details of software that places "complex" payloads on the clipboard? For example, if you in a text editor makes a selection that includes an image, then copy - how is the image described in the HTML part put on the clipboard? Does it matter if image is loaded from a URL / from file / pasted?

* Clarify the intention that document.execCommand() can be used to trigger real paste / copy actions (with due limitations for security and privacy reasons) - I think the spec fails to state this clearly enough

Clarified, hope it's clear.

* Remove the "cross-origin HTML paste sanitization algorithm" and all references to it (lacks implementation)


* "Calling setData() without calling preventDefault() has no effect, even if there is no selection - the default action is to do nothing" - this is a rather silly gotcha.. It would be more user/dev-friendly if setData() or other manipulation automatically prevented the default action of copy..

As this is already implemented I don't think we can change it although I'd like to.

* Consider if more MIME types need to be "mandatory", resolve the other issues noted in the spec.

Issues resolved or postphoned.

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