Paypal is in the same building complex with eBay (the address is the same,
although I think the building number is different).

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Travis Leithead <> wrote:

> Chaals,
> The wiki says the host is eBay with an address given. Is the address still
> accurate? If not, will someone who knows the correct address update the
> wiki?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chaals Nevile []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:49 AM
> To: public-webapps WG
> Subject: Reminder: Please register for Face to face by Friday
> Hi folks,
> a reminder that Paypal (our meeting hosts) have asked us to have
> registration done by Friday to help their planning.
> If you expect to attend, but haven't got around to telling us, please do
> so at
> If you are hoping to come but unable to confirm by Friday, please go ahead
> and register now, and note in the general comments section that you are not
> confirmed and when you expect to know for sure.
> If you do not register by the deadline, and later decide you want to
> attend, please contact Art and me, and we will see what we can do.
> cheers
> Chaals
> --
> Chaals - standards declaimer

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