Web Applications Working Group,

Greetings.  In addition to facilitating interprocess communication, 
clipboarding, with the data of arbitrary 
selections of hypertext and MathML, the aforementioned techniques can 
facilitate interprocess communication with the data of arbitrary 
selections of hypertext with RDFa, content in the formats of hypertext, RDF, 
and hypertext with RDFa.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

From: adamsobie...@hotmail.com
To: public-webapps@w3.org
CC: hallv...@opera.com
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 19:40:48 +0000
Subject: RE: MathML and "Clipboard API and events"

Web Applications Working Group,

 With regard to MathML and clipboard API and events, some clipboarding 
and interprocess communication API topics include:

(1) The use of JavaScript callback functions or interfaces with the 
DataTransfer interface 
(http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/editing.html#the-datatransfer-interface); WebIDL 
includes syntax for callback functions 
(http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/#dfn-callback-function) and interfaces 
 An earlier letter discussing the topic was RE: [Clipboard] 
Mathematical Proofs in HTML5 Documents 

(2) The use of XInclude (http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/) in clipboarding and 
interprocess communication with RFC2392 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2392.txt)
 in such a way that clipboard content with such XML can be 
differentiated from from clipboard-related uses of such XML.

 Provenance data interoperable with bibliographic referencing systems and 
authoring software in clipboarding and interprocess communication.

A solution for clipboarding arbitrary 
selections of hypertext which can include MathML, which can include 
parallel markup, is the use of XInclude in the clipboarded hypertext.  
In addition to backwards compatible clipboarding, with "text/html" and 
"application/xhtml+xml", we could also utilize content type parameters, 
for instance "text/html; ...=..." and "application/xhtml+xml; ...=...", 
which could indicate to clipboard consumers the use of XInclude and 
RFC2392 in interprocess communication.

That is, from an arbitrary selection of hypertext document content including:

 sentence has mathematics in it <math 

we can envision something on the clipboard like:

<p>This sentence has mathematics in it <include 
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="..." />.</p>

 the URI scheme of the XInclude's @href could be as per RFC2392 so as to
 indicate content from another clipboard resource, which could have a 
"multipart/alternative" content type, and content types such as: 
"application/mathml-presentation+xml", "application/mathml-content+xml",
 and/or "application/mathml+xml", as well as other formats and content 
based upon processing any parallel content 
(http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/chapter5.html) in the MathML.

 would then be a bit more complex, scanning for such XInclude elements, and 
assembling content utilizing formats known to the pasting application.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

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