The thing about reprojection is that it makes implementers life harder
but it makes developers life easy. I'd rather have us do the hard work

For the record, we have two independent implementations of the Shadow
DOM spec so that should debunk some of the myths that this is too hard
to implement and maintain.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Ryosuke Niwa <> wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Edward O'Connor <> wrote:
>> First off, thanks to Dimitri and others for all the great work on Shadow
>> DOM and the other pieces of Web Components. While I'm very enthusiastic
>> about Shadow DOM in the abstract, I think things have gotten really
>> complex, and I'd like to seriously propose that we simplify the feature
>> for 1.0, and defer some complexity to the next level.
>> I think we can address most of the use cases of shadow DOM while
>> seriously reducing the complexity of the feature by making one change:
>> What if we only allowed one insertion point in the shadow DOM? Having
>> just 1 insertion point would let us push (most? all?) of this complexity
>> off to level 2:
>> * distribution, getDistributedNodes(), etc.
>> * selector fragments & matching criteria
>> * /select/ combinator
>> * <content select>
>> * <shadow> ?
>> * reprojection
> I'm in favor of removing all forms of redistributions except the one where 
> the entire content is inserted at exactly one location.
> This will reduce things authors can do but it will considerably reduce the 
> implementation complexity and eliminates almost all performance penalties.
> - R. Niwa


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