(resend to include Web Intents TF list and WebApps list for shelving Web 
Intents spec, as well as DAP for all of specs)


This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to shelve the Web Intents, Web Intents 
Addendum, Pick Media Intent, and Pick Contacts Intent specifications (4 specs).

Shelving in this case means that we are not sure the specifications will 
advance along the lines the drafts indicate. As a result we want to be clear to 
everyone that we may not advance the specifications or that we may change the 
approach.  This does not mean that we have decided not to advance them, just 
that there is a question as to the direction and/or progression at this point. 

In order to advance this work we need support for the underlying technology, 
which we have been assuming will be a combination of Web Intents and Web 
Activities. This will require some sharing of proposals on the public list to 
enable progress. It would be best if we can progress this on the public list by 
September, so that we can have a meaningful result on the topic at a TPAC F2F.

If we have consensus to shelve the documents, this will have the following 
immediate consequences:

1. The editors will edit each document to add a warning statement before the 

I suggest we use the following text (feel free to make suggestions):

"The Device APIs Working Group is currently not progressing the approach 
outlined in this draft. Please treat this document with caution and do not 
reference it or use it as the basis for implementation. The domain covered by 
this document is still within the scope of the Working Group as defined in its 
Charter. The Working Group may resume this work or adopt an alternative 
approach depending on the interest of WG members and implementers."

2. On the DAP home page we will move the specifications from the active roadmap 
[1]  to the list of shelved specifications [2].

I suggest we keep both the links to the latest published draft and editors 
draft available when we do this. (I can volunteer to make this update if we 
agree to this CfC).

Please send all comments regarding this CfC to the public-device-a...@w3.org 
mail list by 17 May (next Friday).   Silence will be considered as agreement 
with the proposal. If you support this CfC, a positive response is preferred 
and encouraged, even if a +1.

Obviously any constructive work on the list regarding the underlying technology 
would also be welcome.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair, W3C DAP Working Group

[1] http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/#roadmap

[2] http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/#shelved

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