
I personally think it is not at all a good idea to populate the "clipboard" 
when starting the drag!
It makes sense when a "copy" operation is triggered, as the application may be 
Most desktop DnDs I have observed only operate the transformation when the drop 
has occurred (hence a flavour is identified). A good way to test this is to 
take a heavy piece in a graphics programme and drop it outside.

Those two specs have evolved independently and I always sow clipops to be a 
more refined version of html5's DnD but there you have spotted a non-extension 

Is there any reason to justify the requirement to populate before the dragstart?


On 12 juil. 2013, at 00:22, Daniel Cheng wrote:

> I've noticed that the way that drag-and-drop processing model is written, the 
> default content that would be in the drag data store is available in the 
> dragstart event. 
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#drag-and-drop-processing-model
>  specifies that the drag data store is populated before dispatching the 
> dragstart event.
> Would it make sense to do something similar for 
> http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/clipops/#processing-model? Right now, as I read 
> it, we don't populate the clipboard until after the copy/cut event has been 
> cancelled. It'd be nice to make it consistent with drags... the main problem 
> is I'm not sure if this will break compatibility with sites that didn't 
> expect this.
> Daniel

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