On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:57:30 +0100, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:


Each piece above would have to be encoded such that it contains only
valid, non-'/', URL characters. For things like database name and
objectStore name this is easy by simply %-encoding characters.

For the key this is significantly messier. We have to encode things
like Dates and numbers, as well as Arrays. There's no shortage of ways
of doing this, but there's no particularly clean way to do it either I

That makes sense and I think key encoding is solvable with some microsyntax (I'll refrain from bikeshedding it here :)

But what these URLs will be used for? Probably not for simple values that are smaller than the URL itself (what can you do with a URL that points to an integer?)

So maybe the key use-case will be linking to Blobs in indexedb (e.g. images, full documents) and then it would suffice if only those Blobs had permanent URLs (e.g. window.URL.createObjectURL would be permanent for stored blobs).

A third problem here is that it seems unfortunate to generate a new
URL scheme for each storage format we have.

I don't see a problem with that. If they have different addressing scheme, they logically should have different URL scheme. localdata: just pushes scheme name to the path.

regards, Kornel

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