On 2013-09-02 01:44, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:14 AM, Stefan Håkansson LK
> <stefan.lk.hakans...@ericsson.com
> <mailto:stefan.lk.hakans...@ericsson.com>> wrote:
>     One need I can see is when you want to display the video in another
>     window. Let's say you want to have the video in a popout window -
>     something I think we should definitely support - handing that window the
>     URL (using postMessage) for use by its video element is a very
>     convenient way to support this use-case. This works in Chrome today.
> Assuming the main window opened the popout window, and both pages have
> the same origin, this can be done without createObjectURL or any new
> features, because the main window has access to the DOM of the popout
> window (and vice versa).

Yes, but I don't think we should constrain this to only meet cases when 
the origin of the other window is the same.

> Rob
> --
> Jtehsauts  tshaei dS,o n" Wohfy  Mdaon  yhoaus  eanuttehrotraiitny
> eovni le atrhtohu gthot sf oirng iyvoeu rs ihnesa.r"t sS?o  Whhei csha
> iids  teoa stiheer :p atroa lsyazye,d  'mYaonu,r  "sGients  uapr,e
> tfaokreg iyvoeunr, 'm aotr  atnod sgaoy ,h o'mGee.t"  uTph eann dt hwea
> lmka'n?  gBoutt  uIp  waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w *
> *

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