On 9/13/13 4:14 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
There's two IDL bugs referenced from the specification that have
public-script-coord copied. What am I missing?

Hmm. I didn't see those bugmails go by; maybe they got filtered out by my "html bugs" filters. :(

In any case, my real questions revolve around generic vs branded methods and whatnot, which are not covered by those two bugs.

(One even questions using IDL for this at all


The IDL specification style is a lot less error-prone to implement for non-JS-engine-hackers than the ES specification style, for what it's worth, since it allows implementors to work with objects that have sane behavior in the implementation language, not whatever weird behavior the js engine API imposes...

It's also a lot less error-prone for spec writers. I'll note that the methods added here are totally underspecified at the moment.

Defining something like
[[QueryAll]] as a thing on Element seems problematic too though, given
how Element is defined today.)

I'm not sure what you mean.


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