On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, to be clearer, we'd be adding two new combinators, "^" and "^^".
> "^", the shadow combinator (or "hat"), pierces the upper-boundary
> encapsulation of a shadow root. The LHS has to be a component,
> something with an actual shadow root.  "^^", the "all shadows"
> combinator (or "cat", or "double-hat"), is identical, but it pierces
> *all* shadow root upper boundaries.

Further use-case exploration by the Polymer folk has revealed that
this definition of ^^ is a bit too weak for a lot of reasonable

One of the major uses of ^^ is to simply target all <x-foo> elements
for styling.  Unfortunately, this means you need to ugly up your

x-foo + div.bar, * ^^ x-foo + div.bar {...}

As far as they could tell from use-case exploration, this is by far a
more common use than what's implied by the stricter form defined in
the quote above.

To fix this, we propose that ^^ should instead be interpreted as
simply a "more powerful descendant selector".  Writing "* ^^ x-foo"
will selector *all* <x-foo> elements within your context, or in lower
contexts.  (It'll miss the root element if it's an <x-foo>, but that's
probably rare, and you can catch it by just writing a selector like
what I wrote above.)

Related to this, we have to figure out what the relative strength of
selectors are in different trees.  Again, according to use-case
exploration, it seems that styling *inside* a component is basically
always setting *defaults*, which should be overrideable by the outside
world.  To address this in a reliable way, I propose adding another
Cascade layer 
between Origin and Scope, which is Tree-of-Trees position.  Higher
trees (closer to the document root) beat lower trees.  Sibling trees
(which can happen when a single element has multiple shadow roots
attached) are youngest-beats-oldest.

(I had thought to handle this with my proposal for setting styles to a
"default" origin, but it doesn't quite mesh.  My "!default" idea makes
a style which loses to *everything* non-default, including
inheritance.  The Polymer people didn't want things *this* weak.)


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