On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Arthur Barstow <art.bars...@nokia.com>wrote:

> Kinuko has made substantive changes [1] to the Quota Management API since
> the FPWD was published. As such, this is a Call for Consensus to publish a
> new Working Draft using the ED as the basis:
>   <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/quota/raw-file/tip/Overview.html>
> Agreement to this CfC: a) indicates support for publishing a new WD; and
> b) does not necessarily indicate support of the contents of the WD.
> If you have any comments or concerns about this proposal, please reply to
> this e-mail by November 3 at the latest. Positive response to this CfC is
> preferred and encouraged and silence will be assumed to mean agreement with
> the proposal.

Since this email is sent by Arthur I've updated the ED per suggestions from
Jonas Sicking given offline:

1) Added close() method to explicitly terminate StorageWatcher
2) Clearly defined that the UA must fire one storagechange event right
after a StorageWatcher is constructed, regardless of the rate value (so
that apps can get the current/initial storage status).


The CfC period is finishing, but if there're any other feedbacks I'm
willing to address them in the next version of draft.


-Thanks, ArtB
> [1] <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/quota/diff/665c883168d1/Overview.html>

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