That's a great overview!

There's 2 points I think haven't fully been addressed.

1. Section 8. Navigation
Much of this work (and HTML5 in general) is about bringing the Web Platform up to being "equal" with "native apps". But one thing that the Web does that native apps can't do is deep linking (ignoring the fustercluck of intents). I think it would provide a significant advantage if it was also possible to deep link into installed web apps. I understand this is very complex and I'm not proposing any solution right now. But if we don't include this then we are in effect cutting web applications down to the level of native apps instead of leaping ahead of them.

Use Case: Social sharing
User A and User B both have the same web app installed on the devices they are using. User A finds a resource they like inside the app and decide to share this from within the app through one of their social networks. User B sees this link in their social feed and taps on it. Since User B also has this web app installed it would be "nice" to be able to open that resource directly within the installed app. Otherwise User X's browser would just open it like a normal web resource. This can also be relevant for the same user using the same web app across multiple devices. NOTE: This is one of the key drivers we have found for building business cases of "Web instead of Native".

2. Section 6. Start page
This is lightly touched on and slightly related to the point above, but the common experience especially on iOS is that even when you background an installed app and then foreground it again it reloads the entire state. This effectively breaks the UX and makes this mode almost unusable. It's definitely possible to use localStorage, etc. to work around this but the UX is horrible. Allowing installed apps to persist their resources and loaded state across background/foreground (and ideally even launches) would be a massive step forward. Perhaps naming this a "First use page" would help clarify this focus?


On 27/11/13 8:02 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
Over the last few weeks, a few of us folks in the Web Mob IG have been 
investigating the use cases and requirements for bookmarking web apps to home 
screen. The output of that research  is this living document:

That (ongoing) research is helping to inform the manifest spec. A bunch of us 
have been working together on IRC, twitter, etc. on a new version of the 
manifest spec:

The Editors would appreciate if people take a look and see if you agree with 
the feature set.

** Right now, please refrain from bike-shedding! **

Unless anyone objects, the Editors would like to request the start of a CFC 
towards publishing a FPWD of the manifest spec.

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