On Dec 11, 2013, at 10:53 PM, Kinuko Yasuda <kin...@chromium.org> wrote:

>> "persistent" storage would behave as in A. I.e. webpages can't use it
>> without there being a prompt involved at some point. Bookmarked
>> webapps can use it without prompt.
> This sounds kinda reasonable to me, but I'd imagine some webapps (who are 
> serious about their storage) would probably want to know if the "default" is 
> either temporary or persistent in this case, and we may need a tiny API for 
> that.

In my experience, perm/persistent and temporary are misnomers. Temporary is 
closer to a "cache". And persistent is all-or-nothing. That is, if you write 
two files to it, you're guaranteed that you'll always be able to fetch both 
files or neither.

This is different than a pass-through to the host file system, something that 
Chrome supports retained pointers to in their packaged app API.

I've lost persistent storage about four times with Chrome, following an update. 
Just the way of the world :-). In all of those cases, if the storage were 
pass-thru, I would not have lost that data. Though the consistency would be 
managed via OS, not UA.


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