
After a bit of delay, I posted a followup to the WHATWG mailing list:



On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Marcos Caceres <w...@marcosc.com> wrote:
> On Friday, December 6, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Mitar wrote:
>> Hi!
>> OK. You are maybe right, it would be easier just to get an event when
>> user invokes a search (through key combination or menu or whatever)
>> and then leave to webpage to deal with that. Probably it is possible
>> to reimplement search with combination of ranges and extraction of
>> text on the page.
>> So OK, how can one proceed to get such event standardized. ;-)
> Gather everything that has been written so far here, and put it into a short 
> "use cases and requirements” format. Make sure you include lots of examples 
> of sites currently doing this. If possible, include screenshots or show where 
> the pain points are in the document. All the details and really good examples 
> are here:
> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/FAQ#Is_there_a_process_for_adding_new_features_to_a_specification.3F
> Just follow that and you should be all good. I think it’s best to file this 
> with the WHATWG.
> If you get stuck or want us to review your proposal before formally 
> submitting it, then just post it here again.


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