>On 3/13/14 10:59 AM, "Mounir Lamouri" <mou...@lamouri.fr> wrote:
>>I recently landed a usage counter for window.orientation. It will take
>>some time to roll to Chrome Android stable but hopefully we will find
>>out if window.orientation is actually used a lot. If that's the case and
>>other UA want to implement it, we could incorporate that into this
>>specification. In any case, I would like to add this feature but not as
>>Your use case will be taken care of, see this bug:
>You could alternatively just have a 'natural' orientation boolean flag,
>to help assessing the angle at the initial rotation level
>(without having to first rotate to find out).
>The flag would also add the ability to lock to the "natural" orientation.
>My main rebuttal of the orientation values is not the lack of angle, but
>rather the lack of instant identification of this 'natural' orientation
>state. We can figure out the mapping to angles with such a flag.
>So should it a better or easier implementation option, perhaps avoiding
>redundancy, that would work too, and the only thing needed to address my

If you are going to leave it up to the UA. As per the recent change:
--- Comment #1 from Mounir Lamouri <mou...@lamouri.fr> ---
*-primary and *-secondary is now entirely up to the UA:

Ignore my previous/above comment. A flag won't work anymore.

The notion of left and right is lost under this new spec change,
with the concept of orientation being very different from what it was.
I have to scrap mapping to angles, that change deprecates my code.

I'll wait until we have angles, or for Mozilla and IE to implement
window.orientation for mobile.

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