Hi Art,

thanks and yes - I think we can get some good stuff done here!


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Arthur Barstow <art.bars...@nokia.com>wrote:

> On 4/4/14 3:29 PM, ext Lars Knudsen wrote:
>> what happened to the initiative to take a holistic view on
>> DeviceOrientation, Media Queries and orientation lock all together?
> Hi Lars,
> Based on the minutes from today's Web Mobile meeting [1], it appears you
> and others have found a venue to discuss these related specs and have some
> agreement on a rough plan forward. Thanks to Marcos and WebMob for taking
> the lead here!
> -Regards, ArtB
> [1] <http://www.w3.org/2014/04/16-webmob-minutes.html#item03>

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