On May 12, 2014, at 8:28 AM, Anne Van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:

> It still seems a bit sad though to tie these URLs to origins in this
> fashion. Jonas is correct that there are inconsistencies in how data
> URLs and origins behave across browsers, but it seems like we should
> sort those out first then if we want a consistent story.

Since Blobs can be passed around in a number of well-known ways, it seems that 
the most legitimate origin of a Blob URL is the origin of the script that 
coined it. I’m not entirely sure how to take action on “it still seems a bit 
sad” though. Sad because of security considerations? After drying my tears, I 
can’t construct a meaningful attack, but I’d welcome more information about 
what benefits are gained by encoding certain “HTTP-reserved” components of URL 
nomenclature (and here, Chrome is inconsistent between blob: and filesystem:). 
Sad because of aesthetics? It’s pretty enough for Safari.

And really, all user agents seem to agree that the origin is that of the 
settings object today. That model seems to work. The remaining question is the 
pro and con of denoting this in the URL’s syntax. abarth’s advice is to put the 
syntax horse in front of the origin cart: 

Also, if it’s “sad” because it doesn’t match data: URL’s way of reckoning 
origin, that doesn’t seem sad to me. 

— A*

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